Semuga we keep ourselves from slipping away with berkhalwat with girlfriends or male. Indeed ASUMBER DR ~ ~ ~ llahhttp: / / Almighty knows His intentions.
Do not be like apes. This animal IQ lower than his men. When you die, I'll be in the Hereafter, all the animals will not be revived by God. Sure to bring back the man to receive a reward and punishment of the Fire!
Senior citizens were sometimes get caught berkhalwat with widow mother 10 children.
Age I do not remember the details of death. Said go home, let your grave.
I have to cover-up of the arrest berkhalwat willing to take some children to look like a husband and wife. This has happened on his author in the title "wife cheating". Where is his wife carrying a child aged 9 months. Mothers of small children are often willing to lapaq male anti-evil plot. Clever-clever squirrels jump eventually fell to the ground jugak.
Sometimes we will bertembong with this pair of funeral shopping complex.
Do not do anything like my new even engaged. The more severe, there is no bond. But keep the dignity of our parents.
Familiar sights we see Kat recreation parks.
Covered spouse is degrading women and other well covered.
Sometimes, that I married berkhalwat been arrested recently in a hotel in Sungai Petani, Kedah. When the evil Anti-making operations. The couple can not prove they are husband and wife and held for hours at Police Station Sungai Petani. But after an inquiry made by a confirmation of your relatives then released. So marriage is best carried a letter with the couple not to have created problems later when staying at the hotel. Save the good letter of your marriage!
Meaning "Berkhalwat" is a two-pair in a quiet place without a mahram to cause turmoil.
Islam prohibits "seclusion" as it is illegal to fiance until they diakad (consent and gabul) and get married. But the last contract (and final offer gabul), it should be for couples, men and women for two-pair without cause further turmoil. And wisdom, the benefits and advantages of "illegal seclusion" is to prevent the occurrence of evil.
Rasulallah's Word meaning:
" It is not lawful for a man berkhalwat with a woman who are forbidden buatnya unless accompanied by a mahram (a mahram who banned marriage / marriage with him. The person or third party is with them when it is Satan berkhalwat". (Please refer to the bookFiqh As-Sunnah by Syed Sabiq).
Dr.Yusof Al Qardawi (Fatawa Muasoroh) Said:
"During the solemnization of marriage (consent and gabul) is not met by the man's fiancé and fiancée of women (not valid marriage / marry them as' uruf, customs, justice and the law), then the situation is still like the original law. 'That: -
1. It is not lawful and unlawful for makhtubah (fiancee women) to berkhalwat (two-pair up to create fitnah) with khatibnya (fiancee male) EXCEPT with mahtubah (fiancee women) is one of the seclusion of his father or brother.
2. It is not lawful and unlawful for makhtubah (fiancee women) to travel or travel with khatibnya (fiancee male) EXCEPT with mahtubah (fiancee women) is one of the seclusion of his father or brother.
God created man male and female. It will also create a law for them. In Islamic law there is some law or regulation differs between men and women and there are no different. In carrying out their responsibilities sometimes occur in interactions between men and women, especially in a society now. The writing is trying to see how far the limits mixing of prohibited and permissible in Islamic law.
Meaning of mixing
The purpose of mixing (Ikhtilat) In this discussion is a mix or a mix of male and female AJNABI (legally married) at a place of interaction that occurs in the form of look-look, or act of another person. Meaning, it occurs among three or more. It is different from the seclusion that only consists of two people.
The original law of interaction between men and women AJNABI (should marriage) was illegal. However, the ban was not based on nas The sarih because there is no nas sarih on this case. Ban is based on another law that was originally reserved for women because the laws involved are the elements of interaction between men and women AJNABI. Laws that are intended; berkhalwat and travel without restrictions mahram, Berjemaaah prayers at the mosque for women, the law of jihad for women and the law Friday prayers for women.
Prohibition Berkhalwat and travel without a mahram.
Prohibited women traveling alone without a mahram, and forbidden to men berkhalwat AJNABI (Valid marriage with him). Both restrictions are based on the following hadith:
i. Meaning: "Woman" should not travel except with a mahram, and no man should enter (the house), except in women with a mahram.
ii. Meaning: "Men" do not have to berkhalwat with women except with a mahram, and should not travel except with a mahram.
The first hadith prohibits men AJNABI berkhalwat with women in the room or house. The second Hadith prohibiting women out perform the pilgrimage without mahram. Both hadith has been used by jurists as a sign the ban on mixing of men and women, for both mixing elements.
Nevertheless, one conclusion can be made of the interaction of women with non-mahram men are banned. However, this ban is not based on an Islamic injunction which sarih because there is no Islamic injunction which clearly states so.
This ban is based on the ban of seclusion in the first hadith in the mix as well as restrictions that can be understood from the ban on women performing Hajj without a mahram. In other words, as the seclusion of women and non-mahram men banned the interaction between non-mahram men and women is forbidden. Similarly, since women are forbidden to perform hajj without a mahram because the act is to expose the dealings with men, all the interactions of women with non-mahram men is illegal.
Similarly, the law otherwise, that is because women are not illegal berkhalwat mahram men for emergency it also does not mix with men mahram illegal on the grounds of emergency. Clearly here, the law can not mix with men mahram woman is synonymous with the law can and can not he berkhalwat mahram men, as well as he can and can not travel without a mahram.
Semuga we keep ourselves from slipping away with berkhalwat with female or male friends. Verily, Allah is Aware of His intentions.
Semuga we keep ourselves from slipping away with berkhalwat with female or male friends. Verily, Allah is Aware of His intentions.
setuju sgt...ramai muda mudi skrg xsegan silu brpimpin tgn n brpeluk2 dikhalayak..malah mrk bangga pula...entahlh, dunia dh akhir zaman...